You are Very Welcome to the Triumph Club Northern Ireland

Drumbo Vintage Evening 20"' July from 5:30pm onwards.
Moynalty Steam Threshing Show 13" August 2023.
Triumph Club Run 201h August
Our summer club run will be on Sunday 20th August. Full details are on the enclosed form.
Donegal Classic Weekend 29 September to 1st October.
We are looking forward to our end of season Donegal weekend at the end of September. Full details are in the enclosed form. Please note that we need to have your completed form returned to Laurence Bell by the 15th August to allow for confirmation with the hotel. I have enclosed two copies so you can pass on a form to some of your friends to join us.
While there have not been any club events since the last Laurel News I thought I would include some photos of some vehicles that attended Kilbroney Show in June.
I had the Stag there on the Stag Owners Club stand. The journey to Rostrevor started a bit wet but once we got to the other side of Castlewellan the roads were dry and the sky brightened. We were fortunate to have a gazebo as there was a shower of rain around lunchtime. However the rain soon cleared.
TCNI Party Day 111h June 2023 at Laurence Bell's, 23 Springhill Road, Lurgan BT67 ORW
Laurance is holding a party day at his house for all TCNI members & friends. Come and go as you please between 1:00pm and I :00am. All will be made welcome.
Drumbo Vintage Evening 20"' July from 5:00pm onwards
Moynalty Steam Threshing Show 13'h August 2023. We are planning to attend the Moynalty Steam Threshing event in Co. Meath. It will be an early start with breakfast on the way. Full details in the next Laurel News.
Triumph Club Run 2nd April 2023
We had a good turnout for the run and although the weather wasn't particularly good it was great to be out with friends on the first run of the 2023 season. Leaving Sprucefield we stuck with the main AI to Loughbrickland before heading off to explore the lesser known parts of South Down. Passing through Ballynaskeagh, bye-passing Rathfriland to Mayobridge and Burren before taking even lesser roads to our stop at Annettt's garden centre, on the outskirts of Warrenpoint. Having given the green fingered members a chance to spend some money Laurence Bell opened his 'canteen', and we were all well refreshed for the return journey. We went via Rathfriland and Katesbridge, and were in process of skirting round Lisburn to get back for our meal at the Ballymac, when disaster struck. Artie O'Neill and his passenger Brian Kelly were in process of crossing the Glenavy road, when the little Rover was hit by a speeding Golf. Thankfully although both were well shaken and bruised there was no serious injury. Special thanks to John Junior who took care of the damaged car and to Clare Lewsley who, when the ambulance didn't show up in time, ferried both to hospital.
The meal was obviously delayed; thanks to our friends in the Ballymac for their flexibility and ensuring everyone was fed.
Not the end of day we hoped for but as already said, nobody was seriously hurt.
The Mayo Classic Weekend 21-23 April 2023
Back in the dim and distant days when BC after a year meant Before Covid, John Jnr and June planned a weekend for us in Ballina, Co Mayo. Now that we are in the AC era we all headed off on Friday 21" April. The man who wrote that Its a long way to Tipperary had obviously never been to Ballina. To shorten the journey by about 40 miles we began our trek at the Centra Services at the Dungannon end of the M1. Due to a series of mishaps we weren't all there for the off at 1.00pm so some of us were playing catch-up from the word go. A second rendezvous at Ballygawley came and went and we finally all came together, after a little confusion, in Maguiresbridge,for the next leg of 80 miles to Carrick on Shannon. Laurence and his mobile Canteen were greatly appreciated and we had time for a quick look at the Shannon and the town. A place to be revisited, but we still had the last leg of our journey ahead. This time it was 80 kilometres. (Not quite as far, roughly 50 miles!) and we were all ready to find our rooms and relax before the evening meal and later entertainments. Did I mention that the weather along the way was excellent?
Saturday morning saw us on our way to the Irish Museum of Country life, 20 miles away near Castlebar. Lots of opportunity to reminisce; Bikes like what we had as youngsters, blacksmiths tools, and look a schoolroom with a blackboard and slates and chalk like we learnt to write on. A lovely place where we could have spent hours, but we had to move on. Lunch beckoned.
How John and June found Crawleys of Rakestreet, on the banks of Lough Conn, we don't need to know but it was a gem of an old country pub with a small general store attached; Wonderful! Then it was onwards to Ballina where the streets had been scrubbed clean, shopfronts painted and generally we couldn't fault the effort that had put into preparing the place for us. So good a job that they parachuted Joe Biden in to see it the week before we got there.
Back in the Twin Trees we had our usual Gala Dinner, Bucks Fizz Reception and complimentary raffle. Then to the bar for an evening of chat and live music.
All too soon it was Sunday and time to head for home. The Wild Atlantic Way beckoned as we passed through beautiful Enniscrone on our way to a viewpoint at O'Dowd Rosslee Castle. Then it was onwards through Ballisadare and Sligo before turning off the main road for our stop, (with Canteen) at Glencar waterfall. That's when the weather turned and cutting our visit short we picked up the main roads again. The Ballroom of Romance, at Glenfarne, crossing into Northern Ireland at Blacklion/Belcoo, troublefree run through Enniskillen and we were soon turning off between Augher and Clogher for our final meal, a late lunch at Corick House Hotel and the end of another wonderful weekend amongst friends old and new in Triumph Club NI.
Then, having travelled 110 miles since breakfast it was time for the short, (or not so short) run home.
Another big word of thanks to all involved, and especially to John Jnr. and June.
Sunday 24"' April Drive It Day Full details of our club event included on the entry form. Please return the completed form as soon as possible,
Wednesday 27'h April Special Gathering at Springhill Road Maralin In Memory Of Aileen.
Sunday 12'h June Triumph Club NI Event Details later
Thursday 14'hJuly Annual Drumbo Church Classic Car and Tractor event With more events between and beyond to be advised
Please contact the Club Secretary John Jnr on info(ai) Or John Snr by phone /text or WhatsApp on 07818077801
Or Laurence 028 38322865
with suggestions and expectations and visit our website Triumph Club NI for updates
Moving On
Covid 19. or Coronavirus disease. Is a new thing that has come into our lives.
Where it came from ?. how long we will have it.?. Questions that will go ON and ON. The thing is the impact that it has had on our lives, is unmeasurable.
The elected people that are looking after us, made rules that we were to follow. Different Rules applied to where you lived in the UK. We will not mention that the C 19. Can cross the non existent border, that we have.
Rules were Guidance, Compulsory, Advisory, Mandatory, or Ignored.
Test, Don't Test. Not to mention Who pays.? All UN answered questions.
As we head to a new election, will that make any difference, to how we live. Politicians did not agree with each other before the covid Era doubt if they will agree after.
When do we hope to get out and about with our old cars . Easter or before?
This led me to think about the Do Gooders, who consider the pollution of the world to be caused by cars.
The first time I heard that a car had a cat on it, I looked to see if a furry thing with 4 paws was on the bonnet or roof.
0 no it is under the floor and it will clean up all the pollution.
Now Great. Does our new electric cars have cat.?
I never hear of anyone mention the Tyres and Brake dust going down the waterways. The electric Cars do not solve that problem.
Old cars With Drum Brakes kept the dust enclosed until the car was serviced.
The speed were much lower and so the tyre wear was less, all a good thing as far as I can see.
The war in Ukraine, which is not a war according to Mr Putin.
Must be causing a bit of pollution. Wonder does Russian Tanks have a cat.? Maybe one inside to catch mice. Think some of the armoury is quite old. A bit like me and my cars.
The Protocol. Well we will leave that to another Day.
Best Regards. Grumpy Mechanic.
Trying to revive enthusiasm following two years of Covid looks no easy matter but our trusty committee has met and hope you all are anxious to get your classic vehicles back out, washed, serviced and polished and all the necessary paperwork up to date. Please get in touch and tell us where and when you would like us to organise on your behalf. Here is a few dates and events that we are looking at that we hope you and your friends can attend.
Saturday 26th March Ballycarrickmaddy School Tractor and Classic Run and Display
Sunday 24th April Drive It Day Details To Be Advised. Open to suggestions at the moment.
Wednesday 27th April Special Gathering at Springhill Road Maralin In Memory Of Aileen.
Sunday 12th June Triumph Club NI Event Details later
Thursday 14th July Annual Drumbo Church Classic Car and Tractor event With more events between and beyond to be advised
Please contact the Club Secretary John Jnr on Or John Snr by phone /text or WhatsApp on 07818077801
Or Laurence 028 38322865
with suggestions and expectations and visit our website Triumph Club NI for updates
Membership Renewal
Many thanks to all who have renewed their membership for 2022 to date. If you have still to renew please forward as soon as possible. We did not cash any cheques received for 2020 or 2021.
Obituary Aileen Bell
It is with great sadness that we record the immense loss to the club on the passing of Aileen Bell on 9th February 2022. Aileen was indeed as dedicated to the Triumph Club NI as is her husband Laurence, always there to supply us all with refreshments at all club outings, playing host to the many barbeques at their home, making everyone welcome on numerous visits by members and friends who called. No one ever left without a coffee or tea and often maybe even something a little stronger could have been offered. Always had time for everyone, loved a chat and offered advice on many subjects. We all have lost a great friend and the club will sadly miss her presence at all future events. We offer our sincere condolences to Laurence and the family circle.
Further Sad News
Regretfully, February also became a very sad time for the Phillips family with a double bereavement. Rita's brother, Eugene McCormack passed away on 8th in intensive care in hospital as result of a tragic incident in his home approximately a week earlier (currently the subject of a criminal police investigation). Then on the 17th Rita's mother (in her 99th year) also passed away, all around the 5th anniversary of Adrian and Rita's son Ryan's tragic fatal accident. It's hard to think why one family could be affected in this way and offer Rita and Adrian our heartfelt condolence.
Well we didn't have much luck in 2021 but we are determined that 2022 will be different. WELCOME BACK,
Hi folks, we're back, but then of course we never got away you know. We've been locked down , felt more like being locked up, told to be unsociable, unfriendly, don't go to other's houses, keep away from each other (at least by two metres) don't go to places you want to, and eventually if you do go into those places you always wanted to, you must look like a masked gangster and the sad thing about it all we voted these people into power to make us abide to their rules!
So, at last we move on. Hope you all avoided the dreaded Covid. And to those who unfortunately did not perhaps you did not hibernate the way those who know best, told you to do so. But really seriously I hope you have recovered fully and looking forward to get back out at the club events you enjoy and those that we are going to organise for you.
Here's the main details of the first three.
Annual Dinner, Friday 14'h January 2022
Venue The Ballymac Hotel ,
Time 7.30 for 8.00 sit down
Menu Attached
Cost £25 per person
Entertainment Natter-Natter-Natter,
Free complimentary raffle to include ;
1 no. cost of your double ticket returned and
3 Free entries for 3 couples to the I" club run (non-transferable) and
A Double Meal Ticket for the meal at the end of the I" run (also non-transferable) (Draw restricted to only 1 of each couple attending)
Everyone Welcome. Bring your friends.
Club AGM Wednesday 26'h January 2022
The Ballymac Hotel 8pm All Welcome come and elect your choice on committee
First Club Run 51h February 2022 (Come in any car, modern or classic) Start The Ballymac Hotel from I 0.00am. Details on entry form attached
Looking forward to meeting you all again at some or all of the events above. John E Scott Snr
How Things Change
I do not know of anyone, who has not been affected or affected, by the changing
environment, we live in, over the past few years.
Let us hope that 2022 will be better than 2021.
'this year has been a very poor one for classic car adventures.
I am not even thinking of talking about El 0.
The government is changing the use of red diesel in 2022.
Great thinking after 61 years of use.
They do not know who all will be involved.
It look like Fuel companies, will have to sort it out.
This is not to mention the latest band wagon of FIVO fuel
Back in 1960 a tank fall of fuel, cost the same as a litre of fuel today.
I his does nothing to help the classic car movement.
Young people have little interest in old cars and for the Swedish
Greta Thunberg. she thinks they are evil, says Mr Jeremy Clarkson.
We are living in a new world.
Need to be very careful that we do not say something that will offend.
I have been told that I need to change some of the things I say to make them correct for the world today.
INCORRECT. There is a problem with this car's transmission.
CORRECT. This car's transmission needs to be repaired.
I said the CV joint is F* * * *D out of the hub..
There are 171,476 words in the Oxford Dictionary, or if you want to use Drive. Drives. Drove Etc as separate words, their 470,000.
Would be about the figure.
As for incorrect sayings; Don't get me started on.
Eenie Meenie Miney Mo.
Another thing I have been told,that I need to be greener.
This made me think about some of the cars that I have had.
A new green morris 1100. First one in NI.
Two green Jaguars, still have them.
Wonder does this cover me.
It must be better than burning a double decker bus.
I hope we can soon get out in our old cars polluting the atmosphere and
enjoying what we have, before the do gooders
get their way and stop us all together.
By the way the word up the page is Forced.
Looking forward to seeing everyone, out and about in the near future.
I hope you are all well and have escaped the coronavirus. We haven't been able to enjoy our cars as normal this year but hopefully next year will be better.
End of season weekend We had made some enquires with both possible entrants and hotels regarding our usual end of season weekend. A few people were interested but frequently they said it would depend on the virus situation at the time. We felt that it would be difficult to proceed and decided not to organise the event as the positive rate was beginning to increase in the time. This has proved to be the correct decision with the recent rapid increase in positives and movement restrictions in Donegal and the North West. Perhaps next year.
Reports John and June organised a very enjoyable drive and picnic on the 16th August for us. Starting in the carpark of Government House at Hillsborough we set off for a pleasant drive through Co. Down. Mist unfortunately descended as we drove through the Mournes and the normally spectacular views were limited.
We were delighted to be joined by some Porsches and Minis. The more the merrier.
Stopping in Tullymore Forest Park we enjoyed a socially distanced picnic and had a chance to catch up with friends. Many thanks to John & June for organising the day.
We are well into 2020 already even though this is only the first Laurel News of 2020. I have been away in New Zealand for a month and only getting caught up with things now. The weather was great there with warm sunny days and not a drop of rain in the North Island. I also experienced my first earthquake one night, very minor just gave the house a slight jolt. I saw lots of classic cars out being used. Plenty of American classics and some modern classics, surprisingly, many in right hand drive. A good many British classics were out and about too, mainly MGs and Triumphs, especially the big saloons. I spent a very pleasant afternoon at Southward Car museum in Paraparaumu. This is a large collection over two floors. I hope to write a report in a future issue.
I hope you enjoyed the Club Dinner in January, I was sorry to miss it.
Our first Club Run in 2020 will be in the Mournes. Full details are in the enclosed entry form.
With the change in Bank Holiday dates this year we are running the event Friday to Sunday in Co Mayo. We are limited in the number of rooms and have to make a return to the hotel as soon as possible so it is IMPORTANT TO GET YOUR ENTRY RETURNED IMMEDIATELY if you would like to join us. Full detains are in the enclosed form.
AOVC RUN 17`h May 2020
The AOVC will only be holding one run this year on the 17th May 2020. Full details are in the enclosed form.
Chairman's Report AGM 29`h Jan 2020
Each year, our club meetings held in The Ballymac Hotel, are attended only by the same 6 or 7 people who are the ones that discuss, organise and carry out the events that the club hold throughout the season. Occasionally we are joined by a new face but regretfully seldom do they take any active part in anything beyond that initial meeting. Do these folk not get enough encouragement to join us, or do they go and join other clubs where perhaps, they are offered more exciting assistance or whatever they may be expecting from their newfound pastime. We really need to urgently do something to either keep those prospective new members in this club and invite other people to additionally join us from other clubs, I would though totally oppose any canvassing to ask people to leave another club to join us instead only, this is something the clubs who form the Triumph Forum, of which we are part of , do not take lightly and have been known to blame and shame, in the past. I would ask all members to try and invite new participants to our events in 2020 in the hope they may become members and swell our receding membership.
However that said, 2019 saw a similar number of events as previous years, mostly organised by the same dedicated members and their helpers to whom we once again say a very big thank you. I'm sure those folk will man the guns again this year and provide new exciting events for us all to enjoy.
The venue for our spring weekend event last year took us to the Killybegs Bayview Hotel where we were very well looked after and our Easter Bonnet Competition in the garden of Nancy's bar in Ardara was well represented and a jovial occasion .
The autumn weekend took us back to the Mount Errigal with good food and craic on both evenings, with our drive out on Saturday going to Ireland's most Northerly point, Malin Head with lunch in Farrens Bar where no other than Darth Vader had dined some time earlier.
The Ballyclare Cavalcade in May again down in numbers resulted in a cheque presented to Banardos for £1000, achieved with our now long time partners Ballyclare Lions' support.
On our Sunday afternoon events we visited Kilbroney Park in Rostrevor in April and Andrew Jacksons Cottage in Carrickfergus in August with a very enjoyable scenic drive to and from on both occasions and our usual optional meal and free raffle to finish each time.
Early July we held an additional event along the lines of a visit to a staged rally in Loughgall with a meal later in Dungannon, well enjoyed by those few who attended, it was during my annual summer vacation but well done to Andy and the others.
Our Annual Dinner at the Ballymac on Saturday 25th just past,only had 17 attendees but we understand some of our regulars were unavailable through illness. We wish them a speedy recovery.
Once again a big thank you to everyone who took part in some or all of the events and of course an even bigger thanks to the trusty team who keep things rolling. Hope to see you all somewhere during 2020.
Happy trouble free motoring.
John E. Scott.
Chairman TCNI
Desmond Shortt New Zealand note. While in New Zealand I came across a classic car run at the Bay of Islands a couple of hours north of Auckland. Glorious weather and warm as 30C. Their roads are empty compared to here. What a place to have a classic. I had a chat with the owner of the TR6 who was one of the organisers of the event.
Membership Renewal
Thanks to all who have sent their 2020 membership renewal to me. I would be grateful to those who still have to renew if they could be sent to me as soon as possible.
Laurel News
December 2018
How quickly 2018 has come and gone. The great summer and autumn was terrific for enjoying our cars this year.
Have you any jobs to do on your car this winter. My TR7 is stuck in gear, I believe it is a problem with the gearbox remote, we'll see.
Sat 26th January TCNI Annual Club Dinner
Our Dinner this winter will be held on Saturday 26th January at 8:00 pm in the Ballymac Hotel, Lisburn. Please come and join with us you will be made very welcome the cost will be £20 per person. Contact Laurence Bell 028 3832 2865 or John Scott Snr 07818 077801 to make your reservation.
Wed 30th January 2019 TCNI AGM
The club Annual General Meeting will be held on 31st January 2018 in the Ballymac Hotel at 8:00pm. This is an important meeting where we elect club officials for the incoming year. We hope as many members as possible will attend. We are in need of more folk to help run the club and contribute to organising events. This is your opportunity to help your club.
Sat 2nd Mar 2019 AOVC Annual Dinner.
The AOVC Annual Dinner will be held in the Beechlawn Hotel, Dunmurry on Sat 2nd March. Everyone is welcome. Please contact John Scott for tickets, price £25 per person.
On Sunday the 12th of August we assembled at The Ballymac Hotel on the Rock Road. This was the starting point of our afternoon Club Run. It was organised by John Scott jnr and his wife June. They had put a lot of effort into the event.
We left on time with all the arrangements made for our Evening Meal; Menu's given out and collected. As we travelled on pleasant roads we came to the village of Broughshane. It has been named Village of The Year 2018. With a population of 2500, it is known as the "Garden Village of Ulster". We picked up an additional car. Brian in his Vauxhall Chevette, was waiting for us at this point.
Onwards we went to our stopping point Glenarm Castle.
The rain arrived as we were entering the castle Grounds and so Grumpy stopped under a big tree for shelter, to give out our tea coffee,cake, biscuits etc. This ancestral home of the Earls of Antrim did not stop the rain falling,so many umbrellas were produced from the cars. One of the Club Members produced a pavlova that was discarded from an event the previous day.
It did not last long and as it was being consumed, it was hoped that this may be done at all future Triumph Events as a Signature token, so that people would know they were at a Triumph outing. Rita I think 6 pavlovas would cover the year.
It was noted that the water was still falling but the umbrellas were down. Poor parking under the tree, water was now dripping from the branches.
The car was moved to another location and the use of the Cafe facilities was appreciated.
We moved off in convoy and went via the beautiful Antrim coast road, down through Larne and then made our way back to Templepatrick and on to The Ballymac.
A very good meal finished off a very enjoyable day.
Thanks again to John and June.
The Donegal Classic Weekend 28th-30th September 2018
The weekend, for most people started early on the Friday afternoon when we gathered for tea, coffee and scones at the Ballymac Hotel and by 3:00pm we were on the familiar road to Letterkenny, picking up our friends from the Ballyronan Club at the Elk Inn. Roadworks and promised improvements to the A6 around Castledawson slowed us down considerably but by 6:00 we were all finding our rooms in the familiar surroundings of the Mount Errigal Hotel in Letterkenny and meeting up with those who had travelled there directly.
This was one of our biggest gatherings for some years. We filled our total complement of booked rooms and had 26 vehicles. We are a tolerant lot in Triumph Club NI and in addition to the five Triumphs, welcomed fifteen other marques, ranging in size from a Mini Cooper to a Rolls Royce.
Friday night, as usual,was for eating and talking, catching up on the summer and settling in. We were especially pleased that Laurence and Aileen Bell were able to join us again.
Saturday is Driving Day. John had previously said he was out of ideas for places to go in Donegal, but we soon Y discovered that he had kept one of the best drives till now. Fanad Head, at the westward entrance to Lough Swilley is on a wild windswept coast of cliffs and hidden beaches all topped off by the Fanad Lighthouse, which has been voted the second most scenic lighthouse in the world. Absolutely beautiful and the drive to it once, we passed Ramelton and Rathmullan was spectacular. Everyone was speaking of coming back to explore the route at leisure, enjoying the many viewpoints and the many small, beautiful beaches. There were others as well who wanted to drive the twisting demanding road in more sporting fashion, but we wouldn't want to encourage that kind of behaviour.
Lunch at the Fanad Lodge Restaurant and then the short drive to the Lighthouse.
John doesn't do things by half so by special permission we were parked on the helipad and after photographs had guided tours the lighthouse. Many climbed the 79 steep narrow steps to the top of the tower. Our guides were just great, and we learnt about colour codings for lighthouses, how the flashing of the light used to be regulated by clockwork, with weights like a grandfather clock which had to be wound to the top of the tower every two hours. Keepers were kept busy carrying drums of paraffin to the top of the steps to fuel the huge tilley lamp which before the coming of electricity, ensured the safety of seafarers in the area. And on top of all that they had to keep a record of passing vessels and watch for those in trouble.
Then it was time to explore further as we made our way back to Letterkenny for our Gala Dinner and traditional Raffle, where 'everyone is a winner'. Special thanks again to John Jnr. for organising the music and videos.
After breakfast on Sunday morning we turned homewards, with our first stop at Bridgend, to visit a big permanent indoor boot sale, organised to raise funds for Foyle Search and Rescue. Some bought bargains, others contributed directly to this very worthy charity. Reality hit home as we heard that another person had been rescued after entering the Foyle in the early hours of that morning.
Our next stop was at the end of another Bridge, the Craigavon Bridge in Derry/Londonderry, where after crossing on the lower deck the GNR railway entered the City Station, which has been restored as The Foyle Valley Railway Museum.
It's a wonderful little museum, but no ordinary museum. It's run by 'Destined', a charity which has as its objective 'Empowering People with Learning Disabilities in a Whole Life Experience'. Set up as a drop-in centre in 2002 it now provides for hundreds of young people. We heard how they had convinced the City Council to give them the property for a peppercorn rent, how they were running a car wash alongside, plans for riverside and boat tours, a taxi firm, and the railway museum.
The young people served us tea and scones and guided us round the exhibits on a memorable visit, whether we were remembering the penny chocolate dispensers, the carriages with no corridors, and so no toilets, or playing at being train drivers.
Then, mid afternoon, the last drive to The Belfray Country Inn for our four course carvery meal before dispersal for the homeward journey.
A last note to John: When you are organising the kind of good weather we had for the weekend, could you stretch it a bit till we get home?
Another great weekend, many people were involved, but in the end its all down to the effort John makes on our behalf.
Thanks again John
Laurel News
Mar -Apr 2018
We will assemble at McDonalds Car Park Sprucefield from 1:00pm moving off at 1:30pm for a scenic run to Castlewellan Forest Park and returning to Carryduff for an optional meal in Eight South. Full details are on the enclosed entry form.
Sat 5th to 7th May TCNI Spring Bank Holiday Weekend
Last chance to book please contact Laurence Bell 028 3832 2865 or Brian Linden 07979 954381immediately if you would like to join us
Sat 26 May TCNI Ballyclare May Festival and Cavalcade
Held in conjunction with Ballyclare Lions Club the event is supporting the NI Hospice this year.
New data protection regulations come into force this year. They require us to have your explicit consent to store your contact details (both e-mail and address) so we can contact you with details of events in the future. Some of the details of how the regulations apply to car clubs is unclear at this time. Our entry forms enclosed have a box for you to tick to give your consent for this.
RIAC Classic Car Show, RDS, Dublin
The AOVC represented member clubs at this major show. The theme was Italian design and we displayed a wonderful Fiat 131 Super Mirafiori.
The AOVC Stand
This Aston Martin DB3S from 1956 was one of only 30 produced. It was quite spectacular in both looks and the sound it made on the Friday arriving into the RDS.
This unrestored TR2 on the TR Register Ireland stand has a racing history. I was told that the car runs but doesn’t drive.
This 1912 Sunbeam Model 16-20 was manufactured in Wolverhampton and is currently being restored by its owner. They were very robust and were used by the war office during WW1.It has a 4 cylinder engine with each cylinder having a capacity of 1 litre. It could cruise at 28 MPH with a fuel consumption of 12 MPG.
Fri 29th September to Sun 1st October TCNI Donegal Classic Weekend
Contact Laurence Bell or John Scott immediately if you would like to join us.
Ryan's Run Sunday 13th August
Triumph Club NI is a driving club for classic cars, and particularly for those of the Triumph marque. In having our fun and enjoying our pastime we endeavour to raise some funds for charitable causes.
Before the start of this season we tragically lost our young friend Ryan Phillips and so our last run of the season was fittingly in his memory and in the hope of raising some funds for his charity.
Typically this last run attracts about a dozen cars but this time almost twenty turned out for the occasion, representing most of the clubs active membership. John and June did the route and told us we were going to Woodlawn Garden Centre. A very short and direct run.
Of course we got lost. They turned left as went out of the Ballymac and were seen at various times of the day in Glenavy, Upper Ballinderry, Aghalee, Moira but got back on track towards Hillsborough before losing it again and heading for Ballynahinch. They were spotted at Magheraknock where one observer told me 'they went off up the wee narrow Glasdrumman Road of all places' . Still when they hit the Belfast Road there was a sign for Carryduff and the day was saved. But 39 miles when it should have been 15.... I ask you.
I don't know how much, other than coffee was bought in the garden centre but eventually we set out for the Ballymac, and got lost again. Ballylesson , Giants Ring and then we were well and truly lost. Still we saw a lot of places before we eventually crossed the Lagan and headed generally in the right direction. Derryiaghy and Lisburn, and we were on course again. Another wrong turn and we were on Whitemountain Road but within reach of the Ballymac, if only we could have found it. Still we eventually did and as always the dinner in the Ballymac was delicious. We really had a great day and saw places no one expected us to see.
A big thank you to John and June.
Thanks also to George McCracken and his wife, on their first outing with us,who provided a lot of photographs which in addition to those reproduced here you can see on our website at
Ryan's Run
Adrian and Rita would like to say a big thank you to all who took part in Ryan's Run.
We would especially like to thank those who travelled from afar to take part.
We would also like to thank John and June Scott for making the event possible.
We were very appreciative at the generosity from everyone who donated to Cancer Research. It was a great day, and we enjoyed travelling with so many friends.
You did Ryan proud.
Adrian & Rita Phillips
My visit to Beaulieu. John Scott
Although 6 two thousand miles Round Britain Rallies, 4 or 5 visits to Gaydon, 3 or 4 visits to the National Motorcycle Museum, numerous visits to Donnington, Hayes, Coventry and other vehicle museums I had never been to the National Motor Museum at
Beaulieu. So while I could get around still without the assistance of an appliance I decided I had best make the journey and see what the historic past in mechanical conveyance had been preserved for future generations to scrupulously gaze upon in admiration of how it all was motivated without the use of computerised equipment to switch on wipers when it rains and lights when it gets dark to name but a few.
In order to reduce travelling time to England's South coast I made use of modern technology and booked a ride on O'Leary's Taxi with the option of an onward self-drive convenience to go the extra mile (or more). Not such a good idea!!! After stepping back
on Planet Earth in Gatwick, four hours and forty minutes passed until I drove my "on loan" Ford Fiesta onto the public road, God bless Stena for hassle-free travel.
Anyhow some days later (and miles) I approached the New Forest and the Beaulieu Estate only to have my pace slowed by some jay walking horses and cattle who were adamant I was another tourist and they were going to make sure I would best see the
moors which was their settlement. Eventually I got parked and made my way to the visitor reception paid my £23.75 Senior entrance fee and had a welcome tea and sandwich lunch before entering the two level exhibition building, housing the exhibits I
had come to view.
Here are some of the vehicles that grabbed my attention
This little 1923 Austin Seven was a tourer and
was known as the Chummy. It had a 747cc
engine and cost £165 when new.
1952 Austin A90 Atlantic
This model was introduced by Austin in
1949 and ended manufacture in 1952 when
the 2660cc engine went on to be used in Austin-Healey sports cars.
It sold new for £1,431
It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Margaret Scott on Thursday morning 6th July in hospital. Margaret always could be found accompanying our chairman, John, on our events, enjoying the outings. Our prayers and thoughts go out to John and the family at this sad time.
Sun 13th August 2017 Ryan's Run
This event will support cancer research & Ryan's memory.
Sat 2nd September AOVC Autumn Run
Entry form circulated or download from here
Fri 29th September to Sun 1st October TCNI Donegal Classic Weekend
Full details are on the enclosed entry form.
Ballyclare May Fair
The forecast for the day was poor with rain predicted, however the weathermen got it wrong for Ballyclare at least as the rain stayed away for the event. Club members set up the gazebo and participants arrived during the morning. Just before the Mayor's parade the cars and bikes set off for their run through the town and out into the countryside returning for refreshments and the award presentation.
Editor Desmond Shortt
It was with great sadness that we learned of the tragic death of Ryan Phillips last month.
Ryan and his parents Rita & Adrian, were members of TCNI and regularly participated in our events. Our prayers and thoughts are with the family at this sad time.
The events for 2017 are rolling in. I hope your vehicles are all ready for the coming season. Looking forward to meeting many of our members on some of these days out.
Sun 9th March 2017 TCNI Spring Run.
Our first Club run for 2017 will be held on Sunday afternoon 91h April. We will meet at the Ballymac Hotel at 01:30 pin for a 02:00 pm departure. Full details are given in the enclosed entry form.
Sun 23rd April AOVC Spring Run.
The AOVC Spring Run will be held on Sunday 23rd April in the Co Armagh area. Full details are given in the enclosed entry form.
Sat 29th April to Sun 1st May TCNI May Bank Holiday Classic Weekend.
We are visiting the North Antrim Coast this year. Our base will be the Magherabuoy Hotel just outside Portrush. Full details are on the entry form. Please return as soon as possible.
Sat 27th May 2017 Annual May Fair Classic Cavalcade.
We are again joining with Ballyclare Lions Club to host the Annual May Fair Classic Cavalcade on Saturday 27th May. Please return the enclosed entry form to Laurence Bell.
Sun 11th June 2017 TCNI Run to Mosney Classic Car Show.
We are planning to attend the Classic Car Show at Mosney in June. Further details in the next edition of Laurel News.
Bleak Outlook
I notice every time I look at a Classic Car Magazine, that the movement is in crises. If is not the Insurance going up in cost, or DVLA Email Scams, it is the theft of an old car from its winter slumbers.
Many owners just park their Treasures in a lockup premises and never look at them, until the next time they want to use the car for an event. Maybe the thieves will look at them more often.
I note now we have very few young people in the motor trade that can look after older cars. The Training in Education, looks like it is going back to what was done 50 years ago, with Technical Schools.
Perhaps it is time for the Classic Car Movement, to get its act together and use the information that the older people have, to help young apprentices into the trade and keep them there.
Auction Houses look like they are the number one way of buying and selling Classic Cars. People are buying cars on line, that have not seen the car or the owner in person. This is quite a risky business. I would not do it.
If we believe in the Classic Car Movement having a future, then the Pollution Rules that London has started will do away with a lot of good cars. This will leave less going forward. When was the last time you saw a Renault 9 or I I at a club event? Tin worm
has got them, but nineties cars will not survive because of electrics and politicians. The scrappage schemes, that the government thinks up from time to time, do little to help.
With all the doom and gloom for the future. I cannot wait for each season to start, so that I can enjoy the old cars, while they are still here and able to be maintained. Meeting the people in the car movement is the most important part of the season and thatwill keep me going, even if the cars don't.
Grumpy Mechanic
International Classic Car Show NEC November 2016
I attended the International Classic Car Show in the NEC, Birmingham last November. I hadn't been at this show for a few years. It was bigger than ever again and I met a number of enthusiasts from Northern Ireland while roaming the halls.
Triumphs were well represented with numerous cars and special displays.
The 50th anniversary of the launch of the Triumph GT6 was celebrated with a display of three cars spanning the three models produced during its production.
There was also a special feature on the Triumph Italia 2000 put on by the TR Register. A rare model even in its day with only 329 cars produced between 1959 and 1962. It was based on a TR3 chassis with a body designed by Giovanni Michelotti and built by Vignale it had very good looks.
The record breaking TR2, MVC 575 which set a record of 124.889 MPH (a new top speed record for a two - litre production sports car) in 1953 during speed trials held on a highway near Jabbeke, in Belgium, was on display following a meticulous restoration.
There was a great variety of vehicle on display. The Meguiar's concourse winners stand had vehicles that had won concourse competitions around the country in 2016, and not just classic cars.
More traditionally, this 1931 MG M Type Midget had won the MG Car Club's Triple M Car Of The Year. It is an example of the "Le Man" cars run in the 1930 race. This car was discovered in 2010 having been off the road for 25+ years. It was fully restored and run in the 2012 Classic Le Man event.
Something much more modern was this Renault Sports Spider,Winning Spirit of the Show at the Alpine & Renault Sport Track Day in 2016
This was a Land Rover with a difference. Fitted with agriculture tyres this Land Rover had been heavily modified to accommodate the large diameter wheels.
Fancy something different as a classic? Now you can have the ultimate Jaguar the TWRR XJ13 replica. TWRR have started to make replica XJ13s on a build to order basis
This BMW i8 was well protected by this Star Wars Storm Trooper.
Thankfully, Darth Vader was nowhere to be seen!!
Finally, local Hillsborough man, David Seeds, had been invited to exhibit his rare Sunbeam Avenger GT. Left-hand drive and originally from Finland, this is a rare car indeed. David has just completed a magnificent restoration on it.
Membership Renewal 2017
Many thanks to all who have renewed their membership for 2017. The cost remains at £15, which we believe offers good value. It would be most helpful if you have not renewed yet to forward a completed form as soon as possible
Sat 4th February 2017 TCNI Dinner
This will be held at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire.
Parts, autojumble and club displays will be present.
We had a fine sunny evening for our Lisburn Classic Cavalcade, back in August. It was good to see our members and friends out enjoying the evening. As usual there was a good variety of cars attending. Triumph, Lotus, MG, BMW, Morris, Ford and a Maserati.
Spirits were high as we gathered at the Ballymac for the journey to our annual Donegal weekend. We began with a special treat when the Ballymac, instead of the usual tea and scones, provided much sweeter fare, as part of their 'Big Breakfast' in aid of McMillan Cancer, funds and additional contributions going to that worthwhile cause.
As usual we picked up a substantial grouping at the Elk Inn, and with others making their own way we had 22 Classic Cars by the time we reached the Mount Errigal Hotel in Letterkenny. Dinner was to the usual high standard and we had ample time afterwards to socialise and enjoy the amenities of the place.
Sunday morning and we were off. Climbing into the hills along the Finn River then through Glenties and Ardara to Killybegs. To the west of that lies the area that is known as 'The Carraig', or The Rocky Quarter, and with a description like that in this county tells you something. Our journey took us to Glencolmcille, a little village in the remotest, most westerly part of Donegal.
Here we stepped back in time, and not much more than fifty years.. No farming community this. The still scattered bleached bones of whale and seal a reminder that these people lived by and from the sea, with emigration as the only way to escape the grinding poverty.
Now there is a museum, cottages and a little folk village, testament to Fr McDwyer who arrived in 1951 and motivated the community to raise and reinvigorate its-self through community projects, local industry and the developing tourist trade.
We took the mountain road back to Ardara. Twisting, turning narrow road. Stunningly beautiful.
Following the Gala Dinner John organised a very enjoyable quiz. John Jnr gave us pleasant background music during the meal and then came the highlight of the evening as couples competed in the Jiving Competition. The judges were suitably impressed. Everyone was a winner and the three competing couples were suitably rewarded.
All good things come to an end, but gradually, and so we made our way to Ashbrook House in the Faughan Valley. Home to the Ash family since 1530, it has seen that family play its part in the history of Derry/Londonderry; the Siege, the Breaking of the Boom, sacking by the retreating Jacobites, and in more modern times the arrival of the American Generals and their troops as USA entered the war in Europe. We toured the house with the daughter of the last Ashe to bear the name, saw its artefacts, and heard the story of its very own ghost.
A few short miles along the heavily wooded Ardmore Road, brought us to Burntollet and all too soon to our final meal at The Belfray Country Inn.
John, as usual, gave us a great weekend, so from all of us, A BIG THANK YOU.
How did he organise the beautiful weather?
Fri 17 to Sun 19 July
TR Register weekend incorporating Triumph Marque Day
Lincoln Showgrounds, Lincolnshire. This is sure to be a great gathering of Triumphs.
Fri 5 August Lisburn Classic Cavalcade
TCNI is again organising this event. Entry form is included
Sat 3 September AOVC Autumn Run
Further details soon.
Fri 30 Sept to Sun 2 Oct TCNI Autumn weekend
We will be returning to the Mount Errigal Hotel in Letterkenny for our Autumn weekend. Full details soon.
TCNI May weekend
We had a new venue for the May weekend this year at the Holyrood Hotel in Bundoran. We assembled at the Ballymac Hotel on the Saturday morning, 30th April and after tea and scones made our way North of Lough Neagh for our lunch stop at An Cregan near Cookstown. As this was the same day as the Cookstown 100 motorbike road race we had to plan our route carefully to avoid road closures and spectators for the race. After a very enjoyable lunch we heads west once again stopping briefly in Kesh for a break and a photo opportunity
PHOTO Enjoying the sunshine alongside the Kesh River in Co Fermanagh
We then travelled on through Boa Island, Belleek, Ballyshannon to our destination of Bundoran. After settling into our rooms, we all had an enjoyable dinner together.
Saturday morning was a bit dull and misty. Our destination was the Arigna Mining Experience in Co Roscommon. Unfortunately the fantastic views that are available were somewhat restricted by the misty conditions. The party was split in two and while one group was taken into the mine the other had lunch.
The tour guide was a former miner and he was able to relate many stories about the mine and his experiences. If you are ever in the area it is well worth a visit. The coal seams are very narrow perhaps about 18 inches deep and this was all the room the miners had to work
PHOTO Some of the cars at the Arigna
PHOTO A typical coal seam in the mine
On the Monday we headed back east through Enniskillen where we had a guided tour of Castle Coole House. We were able to park at the front of the house which provided a great photo opportunity
The weekend concluded with a splendid late lunch at Corric House.
Ballyclare May Fair 28th May
We were fortunate with good weather for the Ballyclare May Fair on the 28the May. While a bit cloudy at first the sun came out and we had a great drive round the area and a pleasant afternoon.
PHOTO Bikes galore
PHOTO An unusual three wheeler
Welcome to the March edition of Laurel News of 2016. With events getting going this month I hope you have all got your cars ready.
Please note there are a couple of date changes from those previously given.
Sun 10 Apr 2016 TCNI Afternoon Spring Run
Sun 17 Apr 2016 AOVC Spring Run.
Sat 30 Apr 2016 TCNI Classic May Weekend
Our Spring weekend this year will be to Bundoran.
Sat 28 May 2016 TCNI Ballyclare Classic Cavalcade
Entry form from events page
Sat 11 June 2016 TCNI Annual Barbeque
Everyone welcome. Please contact Laurence Bell 028 3832 2865 if you plan to
Dublin Show March 2016
We met lots of people at the Classic Car Show in the RDS at the beginning of the month. I hope you enjoyed it if you were there. The theme of the show was 'French 'and the AOVC entered into the spirit displaying a Citroen Traction Avant Light 15, kindly brought to Dublin by Philip McKinistry, from Co Down.
The Celtic Old Vehicle Club won Best Club Stand. The Centre-piece was the Arc De Triomphe with a 1933 Peugeot 301.
This 1928 Horche 315 Pullman was dazzling. You needed your sunglasses to look into the engine bay.
It was bought by Charles Seezer, a Dublin Pork Butcher who visited the 1928 Berlin Show and bought the car. It has a 9380 cc straight 8 engine and is thought to be the only surviving right hand drive model.
In 1932 Horch, Audi, DKW and Wanderer merged to form Auto Union, the predecessor of the modern Audi Company.
This 1934 Mercedes Benz 130 H was picked as car of the show. It had four wheel
independent suspension and hydraulic drum brakes. Its 1300cc four cylinder
liquid cooled engine mounted behind the rear axle and the gearbox mounter in
front of it for balance. Unfortunately this did not provide good handling which
was notoriously poor due to the mechanical arrangement.
The French theme continued with this 1943 Renault R 3046 tractor. It has a
30hp petrol engine, hydraulic lift and a four speed transmission. It is in original
un-restored condition and is still regularly used for competition ploughing.
While Renault is more associated with car production if produced agricultural
tractor from the early 1920's. Their first designs were based on military tanks
from the First World War.
These were quickly improved and by 1932 produced a conventional diesel
powered machine. By the late 1930's, Renault was the largest tractor
manufacturer in France. In 2003 however the agricultural division was sold to the
German Class company.
One of my all-time favourite rally cars the short wheelbase Audi Quattro Sport
A 107 inch Land Rover from 1954 in super condition
Desmond Shortt
April 2016
It's time to get the cars ready for the coming Welcome to the January edition of Laurel News of 2016.season. This is a quick list of events TCNI will be involved with.
Dublin Classic Car Show 5th & 6th March
This will be held in the RDS in Dublin. The AOVC will have a stand and you will be made most welcome
Sun 10th Apr 2016 TCNI Afternoon Spring Run
Sun 17th Apr 2016 AOVC Spring Run
Sat 30th Apr 2016 TCNI Classic May Weekend
Our Spring weekend this year will be to Bundoran. Full details are in the entry form. Please book as soon as possible as we will have to hand rooms back at the end of March
Sat 28th May 2016 TCNI Ballyclare Classic Cavalcade
Wed 1st Jun 2016 TCNI Annual Barbecue
Sat 25th Jun 2016 AOVC Picnic in the Park
Fri 5th Aug 2016 TCNI Lisburn Evening Show and Cavalcade
Sun 14th Aug 2016 TCNI Sunday Afternoon Run
Sat 3rd Sept 2016 AOVC Autumn Run
Fri 23rd Sept 2016 TCNI End of Season Weekend
CHAIRMAN'S REPORT to 22nd AGM held on 27th JAN 2016 in the Ballymac Hotel.
The last year's activities are similar to previous recent years. The same group of trusty workers continue to get on with all the day by day running of the club duties and for this I would like to thank them for all their efforts and hope that this continues in the coming year.
TCNI organized eight main and very successful events this year and additionally participated in events organized by AOVC and other clubs. I am not going to itemize these but am happy in the knowledge that each one was organized in great detail and in a way that all involved was treated equally and in the best interest of the club.
I believe we pleased most of the people most of the time, but it is not possible to
please all of the people all of the time. Of course some people would do things differently but organizers usually have a good reason for arranging things the way they do and we should thank them and respect them for their efforts.
I have done my best over the past two decades to see that all members and friends who attend our events are treated well. Information, including the cost of each event is freely available. Menus are circulated and every effort is made to accommodate those who advise of particular requirements, whether of diet or access. The event organizer will always be happy to speak to the food outlet on
anyone's behalf if they have an request to replace an item on the prearranged menu.
We are fortunate to have a small group of members who have put in an excellent effort to organize a lot of successful events over many years. I wish to state that I am totally behind all those who have put so much effort to make these decisions in the way they see fit. These people give freely of their time to arrange excellent events down to the last detail. They are also clear in their view that when problems do arise, they as the organizers of a particular event are the ones who will deal with
New ideas are always welcome. If you know you could support, equal, or better these efforts then TCNI want you here on board and we will all benefit.
Once again may I offer my thanks to all who made 2015 an enjoyable and memorable one at Triumph Club N.I.
John E Scott Sun
Annual Newcastle Charity Show. 2016
This charity show is held on the last weekend of January in the Ballroom of the Slieve Donard Hotel. Space is limited and vehicles are shown by invitation so the standard is always high.
My time was limited. The red E Type and the superb deep blue Aston Martin at the entrance proclaimed the standard of things to come. At the other end was a huge Rolls Royce running chassis from the 20s. In between a trio of sporting Escorts, (Mk II) with an earlier Mexico and a Cosworth completing that part of the Ford line-up and with a beautiful 60s Sunbeam Rapier, and a Beetle, filled the centre floor, whilst Minis small Fiats and the A30s and 35s had the raised window area.
Side aisles are for rarer stuff. Richard Bingham had his ultra rare Anglia Convertible and elsewhere there were other gems. The 60s Renault Dauphine Gordini and the beautiful fluted bonnet line
of David Kincaid's pre-war Vauxhall come to mind. The right side aisle has the 'Real' stuff. A sporting Alfa , an early Morris Oxford and a beautiful 30s Rolls.
But then I'm a Triumph man and there it was, a white four seater convertible. No, not my Stag but the beautiful 1933 Triumph Southern Cross.
Yes, its a show to get to if you can, and when you have seen everything else there are usually some nice MGs there too.
Brian Linden
EARLY EASTER 2016 by GrumpyMechanic
As we start to get the cars ready for the new season, I was thinking of all the things that people carry with them in their cars.
The very good cutter thing that was bought in some obscure web page, or late night shopping channel on TV. It has never been used and a Stanley Knife will be taken as well, as it is the object that is known to work.
The boot in some cars, are set out in neat tidy areas. Picnic basket and other catering essentials. Mechanical area which includes cleaning and polishing materials. Other cars have a boot, that looks like a getaway car from an autojumble robbery. It will include all sorts of parts, that do not even belong to the type of car they are in.
It will not belong before we have a new regime up on the hill after the election and I doubt that they will do much for the car fraternity. Not to mention the In or Out, that is coming from the other lot. They will be of no help either.
It is funny how we managed to have cars that had seating for three people in the front, four or five in the back, capable of over 100mp and no seat belts, before the EU, MOT, H&S, and all the other things that have been added over the years.
We seem to be going backwards. 20MPH now in our major city. Stop Start through our villages. Maybe I should get ready early and buy a Red Flag. Looks like it may be needed soon.
Delorean cars, to be made again this time by, Mr Wynne in Texas. No relation to John Wayne the famous actor. The cost, $100,000! Is that what we call inflation the original was $12,000. By the way,this is why they were called DMC-12. Can one of these new cars be called a classic, or do we have to wait twenty or thirty more years. Perhaps production will come back here.
I was saddened to hear that a vehicle, I learned to drive in and go for my test, is in longer available. The production of the Land Rover Defender has stopped after 68 years and two million vehicles. The JLR Company says,” the Land Rover can no longer keep on the right side of Emissions and Safety Laws”. This will be of great news for rioters. The only problem is the old ones last a long time.
Easter is early this year, so we will have a long season. Let us hope that the fuel costs keep falling, that the rain stops falling, and for weather, favourable for our outings.
So if we stay out of our over crowded villages and our main city, that has bus lanes, that are for collecting cash from us. We should have a great year.
February 2016
Triumph Club NI Annual Dinner Saturday 24th January 2016
The TCNI Annual Dinner will be held on Saturday 24th January at the Ballymac Hotel. Please contact Laurence Bell to book your place. All will be welcome.
AOVC ANNUAL DINNER Saturday 30th January 2016
The AOVC Annual Dinner will be held in the Whiteriver Hotel at Toomebridge. Please contact John Scott for tickets. All will be welcome.
Photographs: You can view photographs from our events in the Gallery section of our website
TCNI Club Run May 17 2015 Crawfordsburn and The Ards.
Back in 1968, when our cars were still young and oh so modern, Dionne Warwick asked 'Do you know the way to San Jose' and you probably remember she wanted to get back as well.
We all set off on Sunday 17th, thinking we knew the way, but thanks to John and June we went by largely unfamiliar, but scenic, routes, to Crawfordsburn Country Park. No dash down the M2 or along the Sydenham Bypass. Instead we meandered through South Antrim, through Glenavy, Ballinderry and Lisburn, scouting south around Belfast and then over the Castlereagh Hills to Crawfordsburn Country Park. The weather till then was reasonable, but the rain arrived just as Laurence and Aileen set out the picnic and thoughts of a walkaround had to be left for another day.
The weather was mixed for the rest of our outing as we went off on an often forgotten part of our coastline and followed the signs for The Mourne Coastal Route. The seafront at Bangor, then Groomsport, Donaghadee, Millisle, Ballyw, alter and on to Ballyhalbert. Then it was time to head for the other side of the Ards and the coastline northwards, through Kircubbin, Greyabbey and on to Newtownards.
The final stage of the return again took us on unfamiliar roads, darting through Drumbo to the Lagan, and then finding our way uphill to the customary meal at The Ballymac. All in all about 100 miles of good driving and scenic roads.
We had a good turnout, John and June, John Sen., and Laurence and Aileen in the 2000s; Brian in his Stag; Joe and Roisin in their Civic; Wilson and Pearl in the TR6; Alan and Elizabeth in the BMW; Adrian and Rita in the big Volvo and last, but not least, Brian and Veronica in the Vauxhall.
Thanks again to John and June, and to Laurence and Aileen.
Ballyclare May Fair 23rd May. Bob Cupples was one of the founding members behind the May Fair Classic event and it was fitting to run this years event in his memory. Ballyclare Lions were on board again and McMillan Nurses were the chosen charity. The weather was excellent. Over 70 vehicles turned out for the show and 52 of those went on the road run. The special prize and trophy, for Car of the Show went to Desmond Shortt and his beautiful green Stag.
June and July are Showtime, and members attended the shows at Mosney, Kilbroney and Terenure, as well as further afield.
Lisburn Classic Show and Cavalcade 5th August A wet night and an even worse forecast limited the turnout for this year's event. Never-the-less it was an enjoyable evening. The rain passed, so the run was pleasant, and there was plenty of time over tea and biscuits to catch up on conversation
Mournes Club Run 16th August. 12 cars left Sprucefield in brilliant weather for this run, over the high southern side of Slieve Croob to Tollymore Forest Park. Following a picnic there we set off again on the High Mournes Loop, climbing past Kilcoo on the way to Spelga, then round the reservoir and the fast downhill run to the coast via Silent Valley and the Head Road. With Dundrum Bay at its best it was back to Newcastle and our evening meal in Hugh McCanns. Great weather, great scenery, great cars, great people. It really was a Triumph Club NI Day.
Donegal Classic Weekend.:11th - 13th September
Its almost written in stone that TCNI will be in the Mount Errigal Hotel in Letterkenny for the last weekend in September. And so many of our members and friennds laid their plans to enable them to attend. Unfortunately the Mount Errigal discovered a bit late in the day that the booking they had from a young lady for the 'whole hotel', meant just that, so our event had to be moved. It proved imposible to find a new date to suit everyone, so a smaller cavalcade than usual made its way to the North-West on Friday 11th September, having picked up the usual suspects and a few others at the Elk. The format also changed and we had our main dinner on the Friday evening, with John Scott providing a table quiz to interrupt the conversations.
Saturday morning was showery and blustery as we set off for the thirty mile drive to a busy, congested Donegal Town. But this was TCNI and John had parking arranged for us. Not only that we were visiting the magnificent Castle. An O'Donnell Castle dating from 1474, it passed to the English Captain Basil Brooke (sounds familiar) with the Flight of the Earls, and after less than a century fell into ruin. Two hundred years later it passed to ownership of the Office of Public works. A hundred years later and thanks to the Celtic Tiger they found funds for the magnificent restoration we were able to visit.(Incidentally most of the oak for the restoration came from the Brookeborough estates in Fermanagh.)
Lunch was appropriately in the Old Castle Bar and the afternoon was free for shopping and a leisurely return to the Mount Errigal.
After dinner we had reserved seating at a very enjoyable Derek Ryan concert. Another good call John!
Noon on Sunday and time to head for the restored corn and flax mills at Newmill and a fascinating insight into how a small village industry served its community in the 19th and 20th centuries. We often don't appreciate the importance of such sites and so were surprised to find three visitors from
Kazakhstan including Newmills in their tour of Ireland. From one of the worlds wealthiest countries, and the home of the Baikonur Cosmodrome they were quick to acknowledge the technical perfection of Joan and Edgar's Herald, choosing it as the vehicle they would like to take home with them.
Then time to head homewards. A stop for a substantial meal at the Belfray Country Inn and suddenly our season was over. Time for goodbyes and the road home.
TCNI organised eight main events this year and additionally participated in events organised by AOVC and other clubs. Many people helped to make these a success, but it would be remiss of us if we did not draw attention to the time and effort our Chairman puts into every event.
Thank you, John Scott.
Photographs: You can view photographs from our events in the Gallery section of our website
Welcome to the Summer edition of Laurel News of 2015.
TCNI May Weekend 2015
Saturday May 2nd- Monday 4th May.
Our weekend was booked for the 4* The Pillo Hotel in Ashbourne, Co Meath.
Roughly 100 miles due south for most people. But this is TCNI so we went forty miles due West for starters. Except that we settled for a main carvery course in the Cohannon Inn, before beginning the event proper. Someone didn't make the appropriate sacrifice to the weather god, so the rain came on just as we left.
It was a family event for the Bells as Laurence and Aileen were celebrating their 50th wedding Anniversary. No. I son, Gary was piloting the Dolomite and led us off through Aughnacloy and Monaghan and points south. We were following the route of the N2, which with our A5 was to be upgraded to provide the motorway link to Donegal. We were more than pleased to have have the old winding route, and despite the rain could appreciate that it would have been a lovely run on a
better day. Bypasses of Clontibret, Castleblaney and Carrrickmacross made for a
relatively easy run to our first stop at Dooley's Inn, a few miles from Ardee.
Avoiding the motorway we then took the old route through Ardee onto the wide straight carriageways so typical of Meath road building in the 1960's. Then it was Collon, and the swooping dip across the Delvin river bridge before the long climb into the Boyne Valley. Then it was down into Slane, and further down past the Castle on the steep descent with its right hand turn to the fourteenth century river bridge over the River Boyne. A last steep climb, and then the last long run to the outskirts of Ashbourne and the Pillo, our base for the weekend.
The accommodation was to the expected standard, and food was excellent. After dinner we had an area to ourselves,with opportunity to mix and mingle or just listen to the music provided by John Junior
Sunday morning and Laurence began to play out his fantasy of being a bus conductor. All aboard the coach and off we went to Malahide Castle, home of the Talbot Family since 1174. We toured the Castle, heard how 14 Talbots ate breakfast before 13 of them died on the losing side at the Boyne,
and how they survived here till death duties forced the end of their residency in 1975. We had time to walk in the magnificent gardens, to shop in the Avoca Centre, and of course to have lunch. Some also visited Malahide village before our return to the Pillo. There are photographs in the Gallery section of this website
The evening meal combined Laurence and Aileen's Golden Wedding celebration and our usual main event dinner. In summary a great evening was had by all with John contributing both music and video to suit the occasion. We wished Laurence and Aileen many happy years to come and thanked them for their efforts which make the Club such a pleasant experience for all of us. We also sent best wishes to the not inconsiderable numbers of' regulars, who through family illness or
circumstances were unable to join us.
Monday morning was a time to take things easy. A few people had to leave early but most stayed for the lunch before heading Northwards. This time the weather was friendly, and for me, the brightly coloured BMWs of the Bavarian Charioteers brought that extra special touch to the magnificent views on the way home.
Six Triumphs, three BMWs, three Mercedes, a Civic, and a Vauxhall were joined by the one we all remembered owning, the Mini.
Brian Linden
My apologies that this edition of Laurel News is a little late. I have been suffering from shingles for a few weeks. FORTHCOMING EVENTS Ballyclare May Fair Classic Cavalcade 24'h May This year the Lions Club are unable to help organise this event. It would be great if as many members as possible could attend as we will require help on the day to marshal everything. Bangor Seashore Event 7th & 8th June Organised by the Morris Minor Club Mosney Show 8`h June Kilbroney Classic Car Show 21st June Standard Triumph Marque Day, Broolkands Museum, Surrey 22nd June Terenure Classic Car Show 6th July Triumph Club NI Annual Barbeque 13th July Contact Laurence & Aileen to let them know if you are attending (028 38322865) Triumph Club NI Lisburn Evening Show and Cavalcade 1st August REPORTS Triumph Club Spring Run 6th April We all gathered at the Ballymac on Sunday afternoon 6th April for our first club run in 2014. We has 15 cars attend with several new faces whom we hope to see out with us again in the future. The drive took us to the Antrim glens. The day was dry but a bit breezy. Nevertheless we all enjoyed the scenery. Tea and coffee was once again kindly provided by Laurence & Aileen who still managed to make it to our stop despite suffering from a leaking cooling hose in the Dolomite. Returning to the Ballymac we enjoyed an excellent meal to finish off the day. Many thanks to June & John Jr. for organising the day, May Bank Holiday 2014 Do you know what a Mitsuoka Viewt is, or what it looks like? Well if you were on the Triumph Club NI's outing to Stranorlar for the May Bank Holiday, that was the one that Cathal Murray and Family turned up in at the Cohannon Inn, for lunch on the Sunday afternoon. Ten other vehicles assembled as well, and being that it was a Triumph Club event it was good to find that for once Triumphs were the majority marque; a Herald, a Spitfire, a Stag and one of those modern Dolomite Sprints, and Honda Civic (a near relative). Alf Annesley and Mo had everything under control and having issued detailed pace notes we set off on the scenic route to Stranorlar. Visibility was limited at times but we were still able to enjoy our drive through the Sperrins. The first leg took us to a coffee stop at the Creggan Centre, via Stewartstown, Pomeroy and Carrickmore, and from there it was Greencastle, Rousky and Gortin before joining the A5 at Newtownstewart. From there is was a quick run via the border crossing at Clady to our overnight stop at Kees Hotel in Stranorlar. There we were joined by our Chairman and his Family in two more Triumphs, A Volvo and a trio of BMW Cabriolets, 17 cars in all. Kees gave us a private room for dinner. The food was superb, the service absolutely excellent and we were able to enjoy the camaraderie and friendship of our fellow members and guests. There was a special presentation to Edgar and Joan Pike who were celebrating their ruby wedding, despite obviously marrying as children. Excellent music in the lounge, lots of conversation and catching up with friends we hadn't seen since last season and all too soon it was time for bed. Monday morning most people took the opportunity to use the discount vouchers supplied for McIlhennys Department store, before gathering for the homeward journey in early afternoon. First stop was a visit to the Abingdon Collection near Omagh, to view Philip Faithfull's collection of beautiful cars and motoring memorabilia. Heavy on MGs as might be expected, but a beautiful collection of cars from the 50s through to the 80s and topped off with a magnificent 2010 Mazda MX5 (anniversary model). We also had the opportunity to visit the second part of the collection which concentrates on World War Two and represents one of the largest collections in private ownership, with over 3000 items from the German side on permanent display. As Philip explained, more than 65 years after the war ended, many have forgotten the supreme sacrifice that so many had to make. This collection a reminder of the stark,dark future we might have experienced in a German dominated world, is in memory of them all and especially his late father. Then it was on to more pleasant things, an evening meal in the Silverbirch Hotel, goodbyes, and the journey home. Thanks again to Alf and Mo Annesley for the work and effort they put in to make the trip memorable and enjoyable. And the Mitsuoka Viewt? Its the Jaguar MkII look-a-like built on Nissan Micra running gear. Photo from Web Sorry you had to leave before I got one of your car Cathal.