Triumph Club Northern Ireland
Our Aim The aim of the Triumph Club Northern Ireland, is to provide members with opportunities to use their Classic Triumphs in the company of others of like mind and interest.
Some of the places we visited
April 24 Weekend in Co.Louth based in Carrickdale Hotel
September 23 Donegal Weekend Glebe House and Dunlewey Centre
April 23 Weekend in Ballina.
April 23 Tour of South Down and visit to garden centre near Warrenpoint
September 22. Donegal, Singing Pub, Glenview Waterfall Clonmany

Ulster Transport Museum June 2022

July 2019 Rallying at Loughgall

Members have a wide variety of Classic Triumph cars. Typically at our events you could expect to see
Sports cars: a range of TRs and Spitfires, GT6, and Stag
Small Saloons: Heralds, Vitesse, 1300s and Dolomites
Large Saloons: 2000 and 2.5, and occasionally a Renown
Newer related vehicles such as the Triumph Acclaim and Honda Civic.
Although we are a Triumph Club, we very much welcome any classic car enthusiast to membership or to participate in events across the country.
Charity Events Whilst our members enjoy their outings we do endeavour to raise funds for Charity. The Club holds two open charity events each year and organise a number of events for members and friends. To date, the club has raised over £20,000 for charities in Northern Ireland.
Events In addition to organising our display events at Ballyclare and Lisburn , we arrange club runs throughout Northern Ireland and the border counties for members with scenic drives and visits to places of interest, usually finishing off with a meal. Additionally we arrange two weekend events and in recent years have based these in Sligo, Drogheda, and Letterkenny.
The club also attends and supports events organised by AOVC and other member clubs.
AOVC : Triumph Club Northern Ireland, as the only Triumph Club affiliated to the Association of Old Vehicles Clubs (AOVC (NI)), plays a very substantial role in support of AOVC, with several delegates currently holding office on the board of Directors. Through membership of AOVC we offer members access to special discounts and participation in all AOVC events.
Monthly Meeting: We meet at 8.00 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month in the Ballymac Hotel, Stoneyford. Why not come along?

Not the Ballymac, but we do visit some wonderful locations